Extremity Pain in De Pere

One of the biggest misconceptions we see on a daily basis is that most people have no idea that we can adjust their feet, shoulders, wrists, elbows, and hands! Basically as chiropractors in De Pere we can adjust any bone in your body, but it's just crazy the amount of patients we see that don’t realize we can adjust their extremities. A part of a chiropractor’s training is learning how to properly adjust extremities, but it does take a certain level of skill and expertise to be good at it.
Chiropractic Care For Extremity Pain in De Pere WI
Here at Tundra Chiropractic, we pride ourselves at being able to comfortably adjust extremities and we get great results. In fact, we adjust extremities daily. If you suffer from plantar fasciitis, knee pain, shoulder pain, carpal tunnel, cubital tunnel, wrist pain, etc. we are here for you! We even take it one step further and not only adjust the joint needing proper alignment, but we address all the muscles and ligaments surrounding the joint. Over time scar tissue can build up in the muscles surrounding joints from injuries, repetitive motions or daily microtraumas. We are able to adjust the joint and break through the scar tissue and then we break up the remaining scar tissue using a technique called Active Release Technique. (For more information about this technique, please see” Active Release Technique” under our “Techniques” in the drop down menu.) Once all of the scar tissue is removed from the joint and the surrounding muscle structures, only then will the joint be able to function properly. Both doctors at Tundra Chiropractic are skilled in extremity adjusting. If there is ever an underlying issue within the joint that needs further evaluation by a different health care professional we will always refer to the proper provider. We have great relationships with many health care specialists in the area.
At Tundra Chiropractic in De Pere, you are our top priority and we believe that a team approach to your health is more beneficial to you and we will do whatever is needed to help you reach your health goals. So next time you are in for your adjustment just ask one of our doctors to evaluate your shoulder, your knee, or any other extremity that may be bothering you. Remember it is better to get things checked sooner rather than later! We have seen too many cases where patients have dealt with the same issue for years and never did anything about it. The years of wear and tear on their joint functioning improperly leaves irreversible damage. If you are just starting down this path, or have already been dealing with an issue for years, don’t wait any longer. Come in, get it checked out, and let us tell you what can be done for you today!
9:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 2:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
By Appointment
Tundra Chiropractic
1251 Scheuring Road Suite A
De Pere, WI 54115
(920) 336-3353